Timetta Finance

Monitor project profitability with revenue and expense tracking tools. Get transparent and accurate financial reports.

Timetta Finance Overview

 2 minutes
Plan Revenue
How it works

Financial Management in Timetta

Timetta Finance is a powerful application that streamlines recognition and tracking. Utilize diverse methods to accurately account for income, and gain real-time insights into project profitability through P&L and comprehensive analytical reports.

Plan Expenses
Plan Project Revenue
Organize Acceptance of Work
Streamline Financial Audits
Create Any Reports
Expected performance indicators

Implementation results

profitability growth
cost saving
Improvement of management quality

Customer reviews

Timetta is a ready-made solution for companies from various industries — consulting, IT integration, architecture, audit and marketing etc. Find out what business owners are saying about Timetta and how the product has changed the way they work.

All reviews 
Peter Fafara
Partner Blank Architects

Blank Architects specializes in complex architectural projects. For us, time is a basic economic indicator. We have been using Timetta for over 2 years and can recommend the system as a reliable timekeeping tool and performance evaluation tool for project teams.

Kirill Dyatko

More than 120 employees of the investment-consulting ALTHAUS Group successfully use Timetta for timekeeping. The company uses the system to evaluate employee efficiency and project margins.

Denis Gureev
CEO Architectural Bureau “Ostozhenka”

Compared to Excel spreadsheets, it takes much less time to fill in timesheets and analyze them. We liked working with Timetta because of the system's convenience. We can safely recommend it to our colleagues from other companies.

Mikhail Gurevich
Partner Masterkaya “KSP”

The KSP workshop has been using Timetta since January 2018. During this time, the system has become a familiar tool for accounting and labor planning, and has taken its place in the company's business processes. Filling out and coordinating timesheets in Timetta has become a routine operation and takes 5 minutes a day.

Evgeny Rudakov
Partner ADE Professional Solutions

Within a month, we managed to configure and implement Timetta in ADE. Convenient report designer, configuration of workflow approvals, prompt technical support — all this allowed us to make the system startup process comfortable for our employees. We recommend Timetta as a convenient functional tool with good technical support.

Andrey Vedeshin
Head of Business Analysis Systems at GMCS

Timetta we have been using for more than 2 years. Thanks to this system, we have practically eliminated «resource» wars in GMCS, which was one of the main goals of the resource management system. The system allowed us to see a clear and transparent picture of the work on projects.

Igor Elovikov
Deputy General Director of EAE-Consult

It is fundamentally important for EAE-Consult to use resources rationally and manage projects efficiently. That is why we use the Timetta-based resource planning and labor accounting system. The system provides capabilities for timekeeping, resource utilization management and project performance control.

Alexander Radutsky
Managing Director PKF MEF

PKF MEF has been using Timetta for three years. Today, PKF MEF managers see all projects in a dynamic way, and it takes us considerably less time to consolidate data and analyze the performance of our divisions. Timetta allows us to assess projects, employees and customers from different angles and be even more efficient.

Alexander Bashkov
Project Manager at Beyond Taylor

We like Timetta for its clear interface and functionality. It has everything you need to constantly track the economics of your projects. The analytics allow us to quickly put together a report with a focus on different metrics. We can safely say that Timetta meets all the needs of Beyond Taylor.

Roman Fetkullov
Head of Visualization and Analytical Solutions at CSC (NLMK)

The Corporate Solutions Center was looking for a solution that would capture the distribution of workload into priority or non-target operations, their composition, and help determine the share of employees' involvement in project activities. The choice was made in favor of implementing Timetta.

Yuri Ilyin
Managing Partner Axenix

In March 2022, more than 2,000 of our employees found themselves without all the technological tools or even a basic email and Internet site — Accenture made the decision to separate us. So we started looking at what ready-made products were already on the market, naturally local and without global clouds. In the end, we chose a solution that suited us: the Timetta cloud system.

Timetta Finance: Key Features

Organizations that recognize revenue on an accrual basis benefit from a dedicated workflow mechanism. This mechanism streamlines the approval of invoices, which serve as the basis for recording actual revenue.
Any data can be extracted into reports, enabling precise and timely budget monitoring for projects across various dimensions. The accuracy of data is guaranteed by the revenue and expense recognition mechanism.
Data entry and extraction tools are designed to minimize the time users spend interacting with the system while maximizing their access to project-related financial information.

Ready to get started with Timetta Finance?

Start your free 14-day trial and try out Timetta’s features for yourself.

How it works

Profit and Loss Statement

Profit and Loss Statement
Timetta Finance automatically populates key financial metrics into your profit and loss (P&L) statements. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures that your financial reports are always up-to-date. P&L statements are available for projects, project portfolios, clients, and programs. This provides you with a granular view of your financial performance across all aspects of your business.
Accounting entries
Working Capital
Revenue Wizard
Reccuring Expenses

How finance management works in Timetta?

1 The project manager creates the project and estimates the economics.
2 Managers approve the project budget.
3 Employees track time and costs, issue acts and invoices.
4 Finance manager closes the accounting period and prepares reports.

Timetta Finance: Tailored for Project-Driven Revenue Generation

Timetta Finance is designed for organizations that implement projects with the objective of generating direct revenue. These organizations rely on robust financial control to ensure profitability and avoid losses during project execution.

Timetta Finance empowers project managers to maintain control over project profitability by enabling meticulous revenue planning and tracking of cash inflows from clients. The application facilitates both cash-based and accrual-based revenue planning and recording.

The cornerstone of Timetta Finance's project finance management system is the P&L report, which consolidates essential project budget data. This includes revenue and expense metrics, planned and actual profitability, and current working capital figures for cash flow gap monitoring. Timetta Finance generates P&L reports automatically, enabling granular analysis of performance indicators across timeframes and individual tasks.

To ensure the integrity and transparency of financial reporting, Timetta Finance employs immutable accounting periods for tracking actual revenue and expense figures. Financial transactions recorded within a defined accounting period remain unaltered, preserving the accuracy of all reports generated during that period.

Timetta Finance boasts a range of unique features that set it apart from other project finance management solutions in the Russian market. A comprehensive comparative analysis of these features is available in a dedicated table.

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Start your free 14-day trial and try out Timetta’s features for yourself.

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