API and integrations

Use OData V4 API to integrate with corporate systems, connect to BI systems using the Reporting API.
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Timetta implements OData v4 API for integration with other systems.

The Open Data Protocol (OData) is an open web protocol for querying and modifying data. The protocol allows to perform operations with resources using HTTP requests and exchange data in JSON format.

OData is one of the best standards for building RESTful APIs.

Reading data:

  • Query a collection of entities, a single entity or a property;
  • Search by criteria («less», «more», etc.), the ability to build complex conditions using logical expressions;
  • Navigation by references (by related entities).

Data modification:

  • Adding entities;
  • Updating an entire entity or individual properties;
  • Deleting entities.

[GET] /OData/Projects?$select=name,code&$expand=manager($select=name)

    "name": "Shopping center design",
    "code": "SUP-02-2021",
    "manager": {
      "name": "Max Fry"
    "name": "CRM Deployment",
    "code": "IMP-01-2021",
    "manager": {
      "name": "Max Fry"
    "name": "ERP Finance Module - Deployment",
    "code": "IMP-03-2021",
    "manager": {
      "name": "Max Fry"


Timetta supports the secure OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol:

  • Obtaining access and refresh tokens by login/password;
  • Refreshing access token;
  • Authorizing API requests using an access token.
Auth scheme for API Timetta

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Start your free 14-day trial and try out Timetta’s features for yourself.

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